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If you are struggling with Knee Pain from Running (including Runners Knee) try these helpful tips and exercises to get you moving again.

As Chartered Physios these are things that we have found to be useful when dealing with these issues through our combined 40 years of Health & Fitness industry experience. 



  1. Adjust Load | in the absence of trauma, pain in the front or lateral knee in runners often relates to running load. You may need to adjust this if this is a factor. This is known as deloading. You may not need to stop the activity all together but sometimes complete cessation of the aggravating activity is required.

  1. Desensitise | decrease tissue sensitivity and pain with myofascial rolling and neural mobilisation locally and higher up the chain. Try massaging the calf and glute muscles either manually or with a Roller, Peanut or Sphere.

  1. Build Strength & Tissue Capacity with Loaded Movement | Build tissue strength and capacity of the leg and trunk muscles. It is also often necessary to build up strength in the quad muscles in the front of the thigh (see video). Incorporate strength & capacity exercises to work the entire chain (exercises like a bridge or lunge) to do this. Build into more dynamic movements and plyometrics when able - a health professional such as a physiotherapist can help you with finding the right variations for you.

Check out this short video to see an example of what rehab for shin pain might look like. 



  • Sphere - 100% Portuguese Cork Self-Massage Ball
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  • (no foam) Roller - Cork Massage Roller, 100% Natural
    Roller - Lats.jpg__PID:a7f976ef-292b-44da-8e3e-162d9c137338
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  • Activation Band - High Resistance Short-Looped ECO Mini Band
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  • Brick - 100% Portuguese Cork Yoga Brick
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