Yoga & Recovery in Premiership Rugby | Miles Reid Q&A

Miles is a back row forward for premiership Rugby club Bath, who narrowly missed out on winning England's top flight competition this year. Known for being dynamic in defence and attack, Miles puts his body about. We recently got together with him for a photo shoot and to chat about his training and recovery routine and how and why he incorporates Yoga and mobility work to help him stay injury free and perform at the top level.



You're a big fan of yoga, mobility and stretching. Tell us a bit about why you do it?


Yoga and mobility work are a massive part of my weekly routine for recovery/preparation heading into a game. It helps me to get my body feeling good but also to relax my mind, taking myself outside of rugby to reset. 


When do you tend to do these sessions? Are they something you do in and out of season? 


I go to a yoga class every Wednesday (my day off) which is usually after the big session of the week. I also get 20 minutes in before a big session at the club with a class run by Rory, our medical lead. I’ve taken a break for the last couple of weeks but will pick it all back up once I return for pre-season. 


How often and for how long do you normally incorporate this sort of training? 


The 20 minute session I do before training usually consists of similar movements (to the class) which get the back moving along with my hamstrings. Going into a fast session it's crucial for me to feel good in these areas so I'm ready to push myself from the get go. 


Aside from the physical benefits, does it help in any other ways? 


Yes, it's massive for my mental health. I think just to reset and also just breathe consciously switching your mind off is something you don’t get the time to do in everyday life so this is my opportunity to do just that. I leave feeling very relaxed and present. 


What's your favourite MoveWell product? 


I love the MoveWell Movement Mat, I've had a few knee problems during my career so I need something with extra padding and the mat gives exactly that. It's also easy to transport if i need to take it to away games etc